Well, since our little puppy decided the rugs in the RV were grass, I decided it was time to go to the laundromat—my least favorite part of RVing. Rick and Judy headed out about 9am and I showered and loaded up all the dirty clothes and rugs. There isn’t room for laundry and Michael in the little car so off I went by myself.
The laundromat was busy but there were enough washers and dryers for everyone that was there. Next stop was the gas station to fill a gas can for the generator. Michael brought along our small Honda generator that uses way less fuel than the big old honking generator that is in the motor home.
There is a quilt shop in Quartzsite and I finally found it after driving around for 15 minutes and dodging all the other traffic. When I walked into the shop I was greeted by an older gentleman who said, “What do you need, we are closing for lunch.” I said, “I was just coming in to look around.” He said, “Well, we are closing for lunch.” I left thinking maybe I didn’t need to go back or need to give that business any of my money! There’s that customer service thing again!
While I was gone, Michael got the quilting table set up in the trailer and I helped him put the machine on the table when I got back. Then I really cleaned and vacuumed the trailer so I wouldn’t get anything icky on someone’s quilts. This is going to be so cool to be able to quilt while I am here.
We so very much love this spot where we are camped. I can have my coffee outside in the morning that is how warm it is. We run the furnace very little. When we have stayed in the Tucson or Tombstone area, we had very cold mornings and evenings, not here—this weather is perfect. We sat outside tonight around a campfire while dinner cooked--something we don't do often--so very pleasant.
I talked to my friend Kelly this morning and it was 3 degrees in Kansas City with about a foot of snow on the ground—when I told her about drinking my coffee outside in the morning, she told me she hated me, imagine that!
Al and Kelly have frequently talked about boondocking –when they went home to Ontario last spring Al blogged about how much money they had saved by not staying in a RV park. We have been to Quartzsite and found it ugly and almost depressing. But, staying out here on this side of the mountains, about 20 miles from the actual town of Quartzsite, it is beautiful, scenic, quiet and there are not any where near the number of people camped as are camped nearer to Quartzsite.
Life is good!

Agree with you a hundred per cent for sure on that boondocking thing. I will never understand why people huddle to-gether in crowded RV Parks when they have the whole beautiful world of Mother Nature right round the corner. Animals I understand, but people are a never ending source of absolute confusion for me!!