Another beautiful day in the Arizona desert—almost every day is a wonderful day in the desert. Sunday we met up with the ATV gang for a casual ride—meaning we had no idea where we were going! The cowboy wanted to see if the owl was still in its spot and I wanted to see if the river still had water after the downpour last week.
When friends Terry and Jill were visiting Terry and Michael took ATVs out and spotted this owl in a dirt alcove above the river bed. Geri and Larry were out with friends and spotted her again--
Geri’s photo—different alcove—is she sitting on eggs??? Why always in the same dirt/rock wall??
A crested saguaro and a very green desert!

Yep, the river has water. Larry did his best trying to get all of us wet but mostly succeeded in getting more water on himself than the rest of us! 
Fred & Nancy, Joe & Kathy
Nancy hanging on for dear life!
Geri heard the rattlesnake even over the noise of her rig as she rode by. He was hidden underneath an overgrown mesquite tree and I did manage to see a flash of his white/black tail—he was most definitely noisy!

Today we braved the big city—Prescott that is. We were also on a mission—finding a boondocking spot—success! When you are driving a rig as long as ours it pays to scout boondocking spots with the jeep! The temperatures are starting to warm up around here and this Montana girl has a very small temperature range, about 70 to 80 degrees—any warmer than 80 degrees and it is too hot. Soon after Easter I would bet we are moseying north—we have plans for a Moab, Utah gathering/ride and we will slowly meander that way. It was a good ten degrees cooler up the hill today than here in Congress.
As for the near miss—I was driving on the way home behind a Ford Expedition which kept speeding up, slowing down. I gave them room as on that section of road there was no where to pass. Soon we came to a spot where I knew it would be safe to pass and I speeded up to close the gap between us. I put on my turn signal and moved into the passing lane, just as our front fender was approaching the rear of her vehicle, she put on her RIGHT turn signal—I remember thinking, “oh, dang, she is turning, I really didn’t need to pass her.”
The next thing I know the cowboy is saying, “hey now, hey!!!!” LOUDLY!! and I see the lady has crossed the center line and is partially into the passing lane. I slammed on the brakes and succeeded in controlling the jeep as she then turned on her LEFT turn signal and proceeded to cross all the way over to the shoulder on the other side of the highway in front of us!!
I almost had to stop and catch my breath—my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking—I said to Michael, “she DID have her RIGHT turn signal on, didn’t she??” Yes she did—a very, very near miss!
We have another ride planned for later in the week which involves a crested saguaro—life is good!