After lunch I finished quilting the little log cabin quilt for my Aunt and got it off the frame. It is so cool to be able to quilt while we are down here--I said that yesterday didn't I??
Mike got a haircut today compliments of his wife, he certainly looks a lot spiffier! Emmi will probably be next in line for a haircut but that will have to wait until she has had a bath and that will have to wait until we have more water.
Yesterday I baked cornbread in the convection oven and it turned out great--this is the first time in our RV owning history that I haven't had a propane oven and I miss it--a lot. In order to use the convection oven you have to run the generator. It we installed a new cooktop and oven I would lose two of the huge storage drawers that are under the current cooktop--decisions, decisions.
This was one of the two ultra light aircraft that flew over our site today--the first guy waved at us!

Oh, sounds like a lovely day! Hey, a hint about the oven. I, too, didn't want to sacrifice those two or three drawers to put in an LP oven, so we bought the Coleman Instastart oven. It's GREAT! It can sit out on a picnic table, you run it off either the 1 pound cylinders or a hose to a 20 pound tank (or a pigtail off your rig's own LP tank too) ... don't confuse with the older square box Coleman ovens that sit on a campstove. This is different and self contained. I have even used it inside on the table with a window open for ventilation. Google it. It's a *must have* in our Safari!