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Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Saturday At Home

We managed to sleep a little later than usual this morning, went for a walk, changed the irrigating water, left Emmi home alone and went into town to the farmer’s market.  Not much available yet with our short growing season but we did come home with carrots, snap peas, beans and radishes. 

I spent the afternoon buried in the Tin Tee Pee sanding away.  All the cabinets are  sanded with the exception of the bathroom cabinets.  Sanding dust is thick on everything—it will take me days to get the thing clean enough to paint the cabinets!  I almost had to shower twice to get all the dust off me!!  Michael removed the cook stove, sink and countertop this afternoon, too!  We are both anxious to get things accomplished.IMG_3933

It was with sadness we read of the passing of Laurie’s (Laurie and Odel) father and of her decision to not blog while stationery in their new home base.  I will miss her writing very much! 

IMG_3929A little snow still on the mountains. 

We are also glad Rollie has decided to write a blog again and are enjoying reading about their lives and the grandchildren. 

Michael spent some time this afternoon rigging a fire truck for us.  We had a very light, low snowfall winter and have also not had rain since probably the middle of June.  Add these factors to the heat we have been enduring and you have the makings for a fire.  Our non-irrigated grass in the pastures is crispy, very crispy.  One lightening strike and we could be in trouble so dear husband ordered a part for a gasoline powered pump he had been given and we are in business.IMG_3932We all ready had this water tank—Michael mounted it all on our old feeding truck and it works!!  Now, let’s just hope we don’t have to use it!

A good day in Montana.


  1. A watering truck, I would have never thought of that, but makes sense, considering how dry it must be there. Hope you don't have to use it. You are modern day pioneers, taking care of things yourself, and using your wits and resources to survive. Happy Sunday!!

  2. Smart idea but I too hope you don't ever have to use it. It was supposed to rain all day here and we got a couple of drops. Sure wish we could get some nice steady rain.

  3. Thanks for the compliment. It is nice to be back blogging. Just hope it's not too boring for everyone. I like the fire truck. I'm surprise but I shouldn't be. Mike has all sorts of ideas and can do anything. Truly amazing! I cannot wait to see the silver bullet finished. It is going to be gorgeous!! I think both of y'all are itching to go camping in it. We love Y'all.
    Love and Hugs,
    Rollie & Gina

  4. You two are innovative. Build a fire truck? Why not! Nothing to it. All of these projects - including the Tin Tee Pee and quilting keep you busy.

  5. Mike's going to have to get himself a real Fire Chief's hat to drive that truck. Pretty ingenious.

    I hate sanding too as it's such a miserable job.


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