When we came home this spring we noticed the snow sliding off our metal roof had ripped one section of gutter along with the soffit board from one of the overhangs on the deck. Michael and Rollie were going to repair that section but look what I caught them doing!!!! And, not too long after I snapped this photo Gina went out to join them—the three of them watched in slow motion as the wind caused the umbrella to slowly rise up out of the table and float away landing up against the house with a broken support. They all tried to catch the umbrella with no success—strange. But that same umbrella also managed to float up onto the roof a few years ago when our friends Ralph and Angie were staying here—Ralph climbed up on the roof for me to retrieve the umbrella.
For lunch we had lagniappe—yep, lagniappe—bet you can’t guess what that was! Michael and I sure had a hard time even figuring out what Gina and Rollie were saying much less what it was. It’s a term the folks in Louisiana use for cleaning out the refrigerator of leftovers—a little of this and that. In Arkansas my Daddy (who hated leftovers) would call a lunch like the one we had today “mixed meal colic”—now that makes about as much sense as lagniappe!
After our strange lunch we headed to Big Timber—and have I mentioned it was dang hot here today???? 97 degrees in Big Timber—what’s up with that??? Michael had a bunch of men errands to run—you know—the lumber yard, the auto parts store, the tire shop, etc. And look who they found-- Geri and Larry had emailed us saying they would be near Big Timber soon—we gave them helpful hints about where to stay and told them we would look forward to seeing them. Rollie was waiting outside the car parts store for Michael and saw them drive by, flagged them down and ran up to meet them where they were able to pull over. Michael gave them directions for the boondocking spot and directions to our house. Larry and Geri joined us for happy hour tonight and will be coming back for supper tomorrow night. Isn’t this RVing world wonderful!
The water is definitely high—really high, in the East Boulder River higher than Michael says he has ever seen--
Gina and I got in lots of shopping while the guys ran errands. That Gina, you have to watch her every minute—she purchased for me a beautiful pair of earrings while I was standing right in sight of her and her credit card—that girl is sneaky! We met the guys at Pamida Drug for Wilcoxson ice cream milkshakes, YUM!!!
Back up the Boulder to rescue Emmi who was left home alone.
It was another special day with our friends! Rollie made a new friend in the tire shop—don’t know why this buffalo is in the tire shop???
another great day with friends!..love the shot of the 'boys' sitting and relaxing!!
ReplyDeleteYou just never know who will show up on your doorsteps. :-) Tell Larry and Geri hello for us and give them a big hug. Sorry we missed being there when they came through.
ReplyDeleteWe drove through their "old" home place the other day on the Trike and it has changed a lot since last year. It didn't seem right to drive through there and not see Larry hauling hay on the 4 wheeler and Geri standing behind the desk. They are definitely having fun in their new "retired life". Big Hugs to all......
LOL on the "lagniappe"!! Considering the way you cook such great stuff, that was probably a smorgasbord of delight!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
We bought a box of Wilcoxson fudge bars and thought we were in heaven. I bet the shake was just as good. I heard on the news last night about the river flooding out your way. It's amazing to see all that water. Good to hear you're having such a great time.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not a time to go swimming in the river, looks pretty nasty.
ReplyDeleteHa, ha, ha! Your "lagniappe" story reminded me of the first time we ever heard that word, in Abbeville, LA. The waitress in a small cafe brought four bowls of bread pudding with some sort of delicious, warm sauce on it, plunked them down in front of the four of us diners, and announced it as "lawn-yawp". We westerners were bewildered, said we hadn't ordered dessert, etc., but she walked off and left it.
ReplyDeleteWe all ate the delicious dessert and for quite some time thought bread pudding was called lawnyawp in Louisiana. One day, reading the word I had been mentally pronouncing "lag-knee-app", the lightbulb came on. From then on, we threw "lawnyawp" around with abandon... "a little something extra". Fun memory!
Great blog. Better to have the umbrella blown away than one of the guys blown off a ladder.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of that lunch concoction.
Lan-yap: A little something extra, like a baker's dozen. Pronounced just like you see it. But spelled lagniappe.
ReplyDeleteJan, a New Orleanian for over 40 years.