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Sunday, September 30, 2012

They Are Here

We spent the morning getting ready for company and making lunch for Nat.  Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  Tried a new recipe for strawberry ice cream that was pronounced a success!

Danny and Ann arrived about 3:30pm, they flew into Bozeman and rented a car coming to our house over Swingley Road—a very scenic, rough gravel road which travels past Lonn and LoraLee’s house.  They got to see a bear, antelope and lots of deer—they were happy.

Visiting and cooking—what we do best—was how we spent the rest of the evening.  After a dinner of pork tenderloin, roasted brussel sprouts/carrots/apples along with a salad we all hopped in the jeep to look for elk.  Found a small herd on one of the large ranches heading up the Boulder.  The bulls were bugling, fighting amongst themselves.  The females were ignoring the whole circus.

We haven’t made our plans for tomorrow yet, we will decide in the morning what the day will bring.



  1. Nothing beats good friends combined with good food. You have the best of it all!!

  2. Sounds like a perfect day today. And did the house past muster?

  3. Glad to see your sister made it safely and lucked out with their wildlife sightings too. Sounds like you prepared a terrific welcoming meal to boot.

  4. Aah. yummy food and friends. It doesn't get any better.


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