Remember when we used to get dressed up to fly?? I traveled once or twice a month when employed by Kimberly-Clark and I hardly ever flew even in jeans. For one thing my luggage had a beacon which emitted a “lose this suitcase” signal—the people at the lost luggage desk in Billings knew me by name! I didn’t want to have to go to work in jeans the next morning as I usually wore business suits and heels. Because I flew so much I had perks—I usually sat in first class—and all the guys in first class wore suits, then, too. Not any more—people watching at the airports was good or should I say bad today??
Women as old as my Mom in short shorts!!! Boobs falling out everywhere??? Look in the mirror people—it’s not a pretty sight!!!
I am in Aransas Pass and it is hot and humid!!! My flights were crowded and hot, the last one from Houston to Corpus Christi was beyond hot—how do they keep those aluminum tubes cool enough to not cook you in the real summer heat??? Michael on the other hand is enjoying temps so cool he built a fire in the wood stove today!
My sweet niece and her husband lovingly take in foster children—here is a Hurray for Burger King restaurants she posted on her Facebook page last night—way to go Burger King!!
“I want to give some "props" out to Sheridan Burger King. Last night I had new little birds to pick up. They told me they hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast (and it was 9pm). I rolled into BK, ordered, THEN discovered I had left my wallet at home. I pulled up to the window and told them what I had done and to just cancel my order. The manager let me have the meal for free! I know that more places do stuff like that, BUT last night it was a grand act of kindness. They just don't know how much it was appreciated!!”
Mom and Chuck were glad to see me—we enjoyed a great dinner at Mickey’s down on the bay—then it was time to say my sad goodbyes—I am heading out in the morning, I have a long drive ahead of me but lots of audiobooks to listen to. I missed Gina and Rollie—they flew to New York today!
Glad you made it safely:) Sorry it is so hot and humid...not fun! Enjoy your visit with your mother while you are there.
ReplyDeleteI used to enjoy flying. No more! Give me my motorhome!
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Flying is no fun. I also spent many hours in airplanes and, earlier in my career, it was far more pleasurable to fly. I really do not like to fly now. I'll take a long drive over a short plane ride, any day!
ReplyDeleteHave a safe drive home!
ReplyDeleteI feel bad that you missed Gina and Rollie, they are such good friends. Please drive carefully!! and safe travels.