http-equiv='refresh'/> Tin TeePee/Log Cabin: March 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Something Different

Thought my readers might be getting tired of reading about what we had for lunch each day or how many loads of laundry I did so here’s something different!!

Reading through the blogs this morning I came across a post on Muffy’s Marks about Cadbury Eggs at Easter time.   The below quote was attached to one of the “egg” comments and the comment belonged to a blogger called Auntie Sezzzzz

"I never considered a difference of opinion

in politics, in religion, in philosophy,

as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

~~Thomas Jefferson

I love this quote and hope that my speech and actions mirror these words.  Our small community has become divided by politics in recent years, ugly divided.  And I hate it!!  Even families aren’t speaking to other family members.  Friends aren’t friends anymore. 

What happened to politeness and good manners?  What happened to respect?   What happened to differences of opinion and respecting the right to have that different opinion? 

I’ve been known recently to ask guests in our home to leave their politics at the door.  I’ve been known to interrupt a political rant in our home with a very bland, benign question such as, “gee, Tom, where did you get that gorgeous shirt?”  If the conversation is making people uncomfortable, bored or angry, time to change the subject!

Now, we’ve had some rousing political discussions in the homes of friends, initiated by the host and hostess when they were sure of the political persuasion of all their guests.  It was fun and interesting, a totally different situation. 

It is the same in blog land.  If someone leaves a comment with an opinion different than mine that’s OK.  If someone leaves a nasty comment with a differing opinion—that’s different—they make a “delete” button for those and this blog writer doesn’t hesitate to use the “delete” button!

Again, what happened to politeness, respect and good manners? 

I hope I never discard a friendship due to politics or religion!  Ever!! 

IMG_2713A rainbow over the West Boulder mountains this morning—beautiful!

Friday, March 30, 2012

What Happened To My Energy

Michael was energetic enough for both of us—you’ve heard the stories about people who move into unfinished houses and the houses are never finished??  Well, we’ve lived in this house for over 10 years and while the inside is basically finished there are some things which never were completed on the outside.  Michael started laying rocks and cement around the base of the house today so we don’t have to look at ugly tar-paper anymore!  Yippee!IMG_2705

Finished up my Easter projects and got a package off in the mail to my favorite niece (my only niece by the way).  We won’t talk about how old she is but she has children of her own—doesn’t matter, she still gets an Easter package from Aunt Janna.

Went in to check on Nat and run some errands.  He looks as if he’s been in a major fight and lost but is very chipper and feeling pretty good.  We filled propane tanks, got Michael some more cement, visited the post office and grocery store before heading up the Boulder.  Here’s Emmi saying, “where did my Dad go???”


IMG_2699I think we may have found the right ball—a basketball, Emmi can’t get her teeth into it (yet) and thus she stays cleaner!


Maybe my energy will return tomorrow!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Very Long Billings Day

I dropped the little convertible at the tire shop this morning and Nat picked me up—we then headed for Billings where he had an appointment at 11am for a MOHS procedure at Billings Clinic.  It is almost 9pm and I am just now getting home.  Nat had an extensive cancer on the side of his nose and it required a lot of reconstructive surgery late this afternoon.  Dr. Lund and his team of nurses did a great job and were fun to be around.  I’m not so sure Nat thought it was much fun!

And with that said, I am off to bed, my allergies are kicking my butt! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From A Long Way

While walking down our driveway this morning we noticed the remnants of a balloon.  Once we untangled the balloon fragments we could read “Urban Monkey Air Park.”  Good ole Google—Googled the name and found out it is an indoor trampoline business in Grants Pass, Oregon—that balloon sure traveled a long way!IMG_2684

Busy day for both of us.  Mike worked on a steel rack—getting some of his treasures cleaned up and organized.

I worked on some Easter presents, did laundry, made lunch, brushed and bathed Ms Emmi.  All that ball playing she does makes for one smelly dog! 

We had the last of our Cedar Key shrimp for supper tonight in shrimp lo mien—very good, very spicy, needed a whole lotta water to drown some of the spice!

Got some beautiful, stunning quilt tops in the mail today from Aunt Margaret and her friend Marti.  Those three tops will keep me busy for a while! 

My niece has the coolest little girls—the youngest, Leah is seven years old and just a card!  Niki posted on her Facebook page tonight:  “Oh my Leah- While playing on the playground with 3 older boys (they are all waiting on siblings during softball practice) they appoint Leah "it" for tag. She plays for a little while, then when she sees they are making up all the rules as they go, she quickly barks "I don't think so! You don't tell girls what to do!!".”         I love it—that’s my girl!!!

It was a gorgeous day, sunshine but very windy!  And not much else going on around here—that’s a good thing!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today Michael and I accompanied his daughter-in-law, the mother of our two wonderful older grandchildren, Lonn’s wife and my friend to Billings to begin her first chemo treatment.  LoraLee is one of the strongest, most positive people I have ever met and if anyone can beat this disease it will be LoraLee.  She came through with flying colors this morning and we all learned a whole lot about chemo we never knew before!  Her oldest daughter Katie was with us too. 

The cancer treatment center at Billings Clinic is awesome—beautiful building and beautiful staff.  LoraLee and her entourage were treated with all the kindness and professionalism in the world.  There were lots of lighter moments this morning when LoraLee received good positive results from her MRI and when the nurse asked her if she drank alcohol.  Katie and I burst out laughing giving the nurse the impression that LoraLee was a person who loved alcohol.  Nothing could be farther from the truth—we call LoraLee our light weight drinker—one drink is way more than enough for her usually! 

So, we watched one courageous woman began her fight against cancer today!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting In Shape

A beautiful morning, frosty but sunny!  Michael is intent on my getting in shape I think—I guess he is looking out for my welfare, I am after all going hiking the end of April with Jeane and Jill.  There is a trail we walk leading down along the creek bank—what goes down must come up and the hill to climb back up into the pastures is one steep bugger!!!  I was panting and my heart was pounding by the time I got to the top.  It probably didn’t help my wind any muttering under my breath! 

I spent the morning cleaning the inside of Michael’s truck, aren’t I a good wife??  We bought that truck last summer and the guy we purchased the truck from must have had ten white dogs riding around with him all the time as much dog hair as I vacuumed!  Got out the carpet steamer and shampooed the seats too—it’s looking better I must say, maybe I won’t complain so much about having to ride in it!

After lunch we headed into Big Timber, I had a doctor’s appointment, Michael wanted to talk to our tire guy and also order the injectors for the 2004 Ford truck he left in pieces when we took off for the winter.  In the winter of 2010 we had two rear tires put on the little convertible, when we got home this year Michael noticed the rear tires were bald—yikes!  The tires had only 3500 miles on them and the tread is gone.  Our local tire guy is working with us and the warranty to get some new ones!

And, I may have to find a job to pay for those stupid injectors for the Ford truck—why has our automotive industry invented these vehicles which are so costly to buy and then so costly to repair??  Michael is looking for a 1978-79 truck Smile, at least he can keep those running!

Oh, and we picked up our tax returns, I really may have to find a job!  Smile

The temps dropped this afternoon so much while we were in town we had to put the top up on the car.  Thunder, lightening and a little rain. 


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunshine on Sunday

We were sitting in the clouds again this morning but about the time we headed out on our walk, the fog began to lift and the sun peaked through.IMG_2643IMG_2649Michael got the little car out of the trailer this afternoon, gave it a bath and we drove to town to fill it with gas—it was so fun to be out in that little convertible again!  We spied on John and Peg’s home being built in one of the subdivisions in Big Timber, looking good guys!!  (John and Peg are down in Arizona enjoying some sunshine) We ran into our friend Terry and stopped by to see friends Jim and Kathy on the way home.  One little Ms Emmi was very glad to see us—we didn’t intend to be gone as long as we were! 

It was a pleasant Sunday here in Montana.IMG_2651-001IMG_2655

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hey What Happened

Do you ever wonder where meteorologist get their info??  I sure do on days such as today—forecast for partly cloudy and over 60 degrees.  What we got was a very dreary, sit in the clouds day with the high temperature being only 40 degrees.  Oh, well, I got a lot of sewing done!

Nat came for lunch and since I fed poor Michael quinoa cakes yesterday we ate beef today.  I marinated a sirloin steak in olive oil, rosemary and lots of garlic then grilled the steak.  Served it with garlic mashed potatoes and a vegetable medley.  Now for the vegetable medley—corn, green peas and lima beans and my dear husband says, “sure is a good way to get rid of lima beans.”  Can you guess he doesn’t like lima beans??  His Dad says, “that was a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one!”

Baked another round of the Dee’s Health Bread.  Patchwork Times  Judy was kind enough to give me some helpful bread baking hints and as she suggested I only changed one thing at a time—I checked the temp of my water before adding the yeast.  That change didn’t help—bread still didn’t rise as it should have.  Next batch we will try something else.  It isn’t the altitude as it didn’t rise at sea level in Florida and it’s not rising enough here at 5200 feet.

Here’s what I finished today—I love it:

IMG_2638  IMG_2621There’s a special to me story behind this quilt.  In the fall of 2010 when Michael was so incredibly sick it was my birthday—he felt too bad to do anything, buy a present, take me out to dinner, anything and felt bad because he couldn’t.  We were both so weary of his illness and not knowing what was causing it.  The mailman came that day and delivered a package.  Inside the box was this wonderful quilt pattern book containing this particular pattern among others and the fabric to make this quilt.  My wonderful sister Ann and her daughter Niki had sent it to me.  It made my day and every time I look at this quilt I am reminded of how truly special family is! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Saw A Robin Today

Our first robin presented himself today, he is probably going to get snow on his feathers before it is really spring in Montana.  It was a beautiful day on this Friday.

Michael cut up a log which had fallen on our walking path sometime this winter.  It was a little tricky to step over the log and not slip on the icy snowdrift on the other side!

I hate exercise—hate it!!  I love going for walks and hikes but I hate lifting weights or yoga or any other form of exercise but I do it—sometimes!  Then it was off to the quilting studio for me.  I attached a sleeve which I had forgotten to do to the Christmas wall hanging, now I can start hand stitching the binding.  I also patched a shirt for Michael and did some other darning type stuff. 

For lunch I prepared a dish I saw on the website Pinterest—Cheesy Quinoa Cakes with Roasted Garlic and Lemon Aioli.  When Michael walked into the kitchen and peered in the skillet his remark was, “what’s that, sure hope it’s not crab cakes.”  No dear, not crab cakes.  It was good, the quinoa cakes need a little work—not enough flavor but I’m going to work on that because Michael actually said he liked it!!!  What made a rancher like something made with quinoa????  The aioli—sauce made with mayo, lemon juice, garlic and enough cayenne pepper to give it a bite.  IMG_2616

After lunch I worked on the quilt I started last fall and worked on this winter while in the motorhome.  I’m not happy with the pattern but maybe it will turn out OK in the end. 

Jeff stopped by late this afternoon, his parents own our former ranch and house—Jeff goes to college in Bozeman and comes over on weekends some.  He has buddies from home—Colorado—coming for the weekend. 

For dinner I made a more normal dish, chicken on the grill, oven fries and steamed spinach.  We do eat well around here.

On our walk this morning a bunny was sitting right out in front of us, Emmi spotted him and gave chase—not that she could ever catch one!  This bunny was smart, he darted into a culvert.  Emmi really wanted to get that bunny:


But she just wasn’t small enough to get in the culvert!

IMG_2617Rain clouds over the Crazy Mountains.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sandhills and New Mountains

Over the past few days we’ve heard our first sandhill cranes, no sightings as of yet but we sure can hear their squawks!  We have rosy red finches and chickadees at our feeder—the chickadees have been chattering their delight at our being back to fill their feeder.  I love the sound of a chickadee!

Today we drove over to see Lonn and LoraLee.  Their mountains, the West Boulder Mountains were just shining in the sunshine with a cloak of snowIMG_2601IMG_2602

As always it was a spectacular drive—we spent a few hours visiting with Lonn and LoraLee before heading back over to our side of the mountains.  Picked up the last of our mail—we have our own private mail forwarding service—works out great!!!  Thanks a bunch LoraLee!!

On the way out this morning we ran into a Montana style traffic jam:IMG_2598

A little story for our readers about life in Montana:

When I first moved to Montana with Michael he instructed me in the fine art of going through both cattle and sheep herds when you meet them on the roads. 

For sheep if you are going in the same direction as the sheep, wait until someone from the band comes with a four wheeler to take you through the band, stay on his butt with the vehicle so the sheep can’t get between you and the 4-wheeler or in the case of several vehicles, stay close to the one in front of you.  If you are going against the band of sheep just stop and wait for the sheep to go past.  Sheep are easily excited and stressed—sheep owners don’t like for their sheep to be stressed! 

In the early years of our marriage one sheep owner, Lawrence, and his herders would herd about 2500 sheep approximately 50+ miles up into the mountains to summer pasture bordering the northern border of Yellowstone Park every spring and then back home in the fall.  The herders and sheep would cover over 10 miles per day staying in pastures rented from land owners along the way.  Some of the herders walked the entire way.  When I owned a store in Big Timber I timed my trips to town with when I knew the sheep were past where I would enter the highway.  Then I drove over sheep poop all the way to town! 

One fall day I didn’t time it right and came to a large band of sheep heading north as I was.  There was a mini van in front of me with out of state license plates.  Sure enough, soon here came Lawrence on his 4-wheeler to take us through the band of sheep.  He motions for the mini van to follow him and off we go with me staying right on the bumper of the mini van.   Soon we are surrounded by bleating sheep—that’s what happens but if you stay close together the animals can’t get in between vehicles and halt your progress. 

All of a sudden the van screeches to a stop and the driver gets out, stands on her running board and starts to take photos.  Chaos, sheep everywhere.  Lawrence hasn’t realized this is happening, has to stop, turn around, dodge sheep and come back to get us.  OK, off we go again and danged if the woman doesn’t do it again!!!  Lawrence is not the most patient of people and he lost it, he came back, got off his 4-wheeler, spoke with the woman, shook his finger in her face and off we go again.  Needless to say the woman did NOT stop her van again!  Sheep are easily stressed and I guess so was Lawrence!!

The re-introduction of wolves to Montana ended this long held tradition and Lawrence and his family are no longer in the sheep business.  Many ranchers, us included, gave up and stopped fighting the people who brought us the wolves.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Last Day Of Spring Cleaning

Our house is spotless at least it was until Michael let Emmi come inside downstairs where she promptly ran up the stairs and all the way back to the master bathroom to find me----with muddy feet!!  There was almost a murder in our household!! Surprised smile

Over 5o degrees today, snow is melting fast, rivers running off the roof, lots and lots of sticky mud.  Michael got the horse shelter upright, hopefully it will stay upright for a few more years!

I got out all the spring quilts and table toppers today—convincing myself spring is really here!  At least the bright colors make me smile! 

Granddaughter Katie took my teasing in stride yesterday.  She has a blog, Live. Laugh. Love. Every. Single. Day, check it out.  Katie and her husband moved to eastern Montana this past fall so Katie could take her first teaching job, she teaches kindergarten in a small rural school and has six children in her class.  Her husband Michael (yep, we have two Michael’s in the family) manages a fertilizer operation.  They are both native Montanans and miss our mountains living out on the flats of eastern Montana.

It is a beautiful day—bright sunshine, not too much wind, warmer temps—should be like this for a few days.

Guess I should figure out what to fix for dinner since I fed him a grilled ham and cheese for lunch???


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I’m In Trouble Now

Our granddaughter Katie is a school teacher and self-appointed spelling and grammar queen Smile, giving her sister and friends grief when their Facebook posts aren’t up to snuff.  She learned how to comment on our blog which must mean she reads it!  I could be in trouble now!

What sadistic person invented spring cleaning???  Today I decided it was time to do something besides my usual casual cleaning—you know what I mean, remove the light fixtures, wash them, climb on a ladder and clean the ceiling fan blades, crawl around on hands and knees to really mop the floor, vacuum the logs—I’m sure my friend Brenda might know what I’m talking about, she does this kind of cleaning on a daily basis Smile.  Tonight my body is talking telling me I am way too old to crawl around on my hands and knees mopping floors!  And I only finished the mud room, the kitchen and living room!

In between all the cleaning Michael said he was feeling well enough to go into town—I put a pot of soup on the stove and we went in taking happy hour and dinner to Nat.  He was glad to see us but I think he was even happier to see Emmi!  She made him happy taking a long nap in his lap. 

It is not even 9pm and I hear my bed calling me! 


This was our mountain scene before all the snow fell yesterday.  Slightly warmer temps today gave us icy, melting snow, ugh!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Montana Just Had To Get In On the Weather

OK, Bayfield Bunch, stop bragging about your snow, we got more!! SmileIMG_2590IMG_2592 IMG_2593A whole bunch more to the tune of 6-7 inches.  Not very cold and the snow shrank throughout the day although the photo of Michael and Emmi was taken about 5pm this afternoon. 

I did spend the entire day in the quilting studio in between loads of laundry—finished the little Christmas wall hanging and even attached the binding with the longarm.  I will post some photos when I get the binding hand sewn down.  While quilting and sewing I listen to audiobooks on my iPod—finished one today titled, The Knitting Club.  Very good book!

And the best news of the day—Michael slept last night and woke up feeling much, much better!  He even felt well enough to putter in his workshop downstairs. 

When Emmi plays ball she refuses to retrieve the ball, she wants you to go after her.  Michael and I are weary of that game and I’m trying to teach her to retrieve—using tiny treats of string cheese.  She will retrieve her duck toy but not a ball.  Yesterday we had great success with a tennis ball, today my pupil forgot everything she learned.  More school tomorrow. 

Maybe tomorrow we will venture out now that Michael is feeling better.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quilting Sunday

I was going to spend the entire day quilting, that didn’t happen but I sure got a lot done on a quilt of my own which was on the frame before we left for the winter.  It’s a Christmas wall hanging and is turning out well.

Michael is still under the weather—he’s sure tired of whatever this is and so am I!  Sneezing, runny nose, cough, generally feels like you know what!  I’m ready to have my healthy husband back!

Other than that nothing much going on around this Montana household.  I did make a batch of chocolate chip/oatmeal/pecan cookies—at some point in time we would like to visit Nat but still don’t want to expose him to whatever Mike has—take him some cookies and let him see Emmi.

On the way home once we got on the interstate and I didn’t have to navigate I was able to knit.  Since being home I’ve enjoyed just sitting sometimes and knitting—I don’t sit well, I’m always on the go doing something—that’s why Emmi prefers Michael’s lap to mine!  IMG_2574It kind of looks like a sock, are there some mistakes, yep but I figure if I ever get this made into an actual sock and have it on my foot no one is going to get down on their knees to examine my stitches!

IMG_2569-001Yesterday morning’s West Boulder.  It rained here today and after reading Laurie and Odel’s blog and seeing the news about northern Arizona’s snowstorm, I think I’m glad we are in Montana!  We may get snow here tonight, we will see.   

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Slow Saturday

We woke to a beautiful morning here in Montana, it is a little hard to believe it is mid-March.  Our ground is dry, too dry, the night time temps are just right at freezing and the daytime temps are in the 60’s.  We will take it for now but have doubts it is going to last! 

Neither of us did much of anything today.  Michael did move the router to the upstairs desk and re-route the phone and power cords.  Rather than sit in his recliner with the computer in his lap he has moved over to the desk chair—the recliner was making his back sore—that is the plan this week, we will see what next week brings. Smile

While making lunch I also made three loaves of Dee’s Health Bread—and of course when it came out of the oven we both had to sample it.  I’m experimenting—freezing the dough after the first rise was not working too well—the dough once thawed did not rise well.  Today I baked all three loaves and froze two of the cooked ones. 

Boredom overtook us this afternoon and in spite of the fact Michael is still fighting whatever this illness is we decided to take a drive up the Boulder.  Strange winter—we drove about 20 miles up the Boulder on dry roads only muddy in spots.  There are dirty snow drifts in the shady spots under the trees and no other snow.  There is some logging going on and it appears they may have logged all winter.  While it is wonderful to have this kind of weather in March, it doesn’t bode well for fire season this summer. 

And because we took a drive our blog readers get to see some different mountains and rivers.

IMG_2575IMG_2576-001Hawley Mountain in the middle of this photo.

IMG_2578IMG_2583-001The only other critters we saw today were deer.

Tonight for dinner we enjoyed the last of our Cedar Key scallops and wonder of wonders, my husband likes orzo!!!!  Smile

Friday, March 16, 2012

And They Say Chicago Is Windy

Michael went for a short walk last evening around 5pm just to get some fresh air—sometime between then and this morning when we walked the wind must have really, really blown!!IMG_2564Well, well—that’s our horse shelter and the metal roof is in the wrong place!  That horse shelter has been in that same spot for over 10 years!  We’ve experienced some wind living where we do but the wind must have howled last night!

When we stopped at Costco the other day we purchased a bunch of meats—a huge pork loin for cutting into pork chops, sirloin steaks, hamburger, pork tenderloin, chicken, shrimp.  Yesterday I spent a couple hours repackaging all that meat for the freezer—we should be good for the rest of the summer.  As most of you know we live 100 miles from any kind of decent grocery store—there is an Albertson’s in Livingston, 50 miles away but their groceries are very expensive.  So, we have two refrigerators and a chest freezer.  With the price of gasoline and diesel it pays for us to stock up when we are in the big city. 

The motorhome is unloaded and everything is put away, the sheets are washed and the bed is re-made.  We are good to go again! 

Michael is feeling much better today, much better.  He doesn’t have much energy but that is to be expected.

My energy is about zero, too, and I’m not sick.  I just think we traveled too hard getting home, the time change and maybe even the change in elevation from sea level to 5200 feet??? 

IMG_2563Storms have brewed over the West Boulder all day.  The weather man says we may get rain over the weekend, snow on Monday.

IMG_2566Lots and lots of deer in the neighbor’s pasture with the Crazy Mountains in the background.

In spite of not feeling the greatest, it is good to be home, very good!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Packing Out, Putting Away

Michael spent a rough night up and down, not feeling much better at all this morning, he could hardly swallow.  We debated back and forth on whether to return to the clinic.  Finally I went with my gut instinct and medicated him myself with some medication he had been prescribed for another ailment—this evening he is much better.  I slept in the motorhome last night so I could get some rest—either that or both of us were going to be sick! 

He slept on and off all day while Emmi and I tried to be quiet.  I brought some stuff from the motorhome into the house and put it away.  I like to bring in laundry baskets full of things and put those items away—then I’m not looking at a house full of boxes for a couple weeks as I find time to sort it all out.

Emmi and I went for a walk and took some more mountain photos, it was a beautiful, warm day, a tad windy.

  IMG_2558Shell MountainOur granddaughter Katie took this photo and had posted it to one of her Facebook albums—I borrowed it.  This is the view from Lonn and LoraLee’s house of Shell Mountain. 

It is good to be home, especially now that my husband is getting better.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Moving Back In

Back into the house that is—my hips and legs are sure sore tonight I’ve made so many trips up and down the motorhome steps plus the stairs here in the house.  I’m not finished unloading but made great progress!  While we don’t think we would ever want to be full timers, when I’m unloading or loading that motorhome the thought crosses my mind briefly!

I forgot to mention in last night’s blog how lucky we are to have driven on non-snowy/icy roads on our way home this time—only that torrential rain storm.  Even our driveway was dry and that is extremely rare for this time of year.  A little muddy in spots but bare of snow or ice.  The old pink motorhome just roared right on up to the house. 

Poor Michael was up and down all night, he was up way early this morning.  The first thing he said to me this morning when I walked into the living room was, “I think I need to go to the doctor.”  All righty then, if my husband thinks he needs to go to the doctor, he is sick!  We saw the new physician’s assistants (we were impressed) in the Big Timber clinic—she was sure Michael has strep throat and not the flu.  Antibiotics and a long list of other instructions. 

As the day has worn on he is no better.  I made chicken noodle soup for dinner—it helped.  His throat is so sore he can’t swallow and chokes—ugh!  Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

Emmi has so enjoyed being home and off leashes.  She begged to play ball which we did several times.IMG_2556

The hard thing about not traveling is you readers are now going to have to start looking at the same old mountains in our photos again--IMG_2557

While in town and waiting for Michael’s prescription I visited the quilt store and picked up a customer quilt.  I’m anxious to get my hands on that machine again.

One of my quilting buddies sent an email this morning with this comment: “I would have known you were home even if I hadn’t read your blog – it’s snowing this morning!”  Yes, we woke to snow—only an inch or two fell and it melted quickly. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Home By 5:30PM

My horse (oops, husband, driver) couldn’t sleep this morning so we got an early start!  Fought 30-40 mph broadside wind gusts all day.  By the time we roll into the driveway we will have traveled over 500 miles today.  I’m posting this blog as we drive through the Billings area in case our local telephone company didn’t get the internet and phone going today.

I knew we were out of a lot of large items at home such as paper towels and toilet paper.  We also needed to stock the freezer with meat, etc.  So a Costco stop was in order—it took two shopping carts and it almost took one more!!  Here’s what the floor of the motorhome looks like now as we travel:IMG_2553 The refrigerator is stuffed—be careful when you open the door. 

It was very good to see our snow draped mountains today!  It will be even better to see our home in the mountains!