How’s that for an adjective??? It was simply a wonderful day spent with Jeane at Fiberworks Quilt Shop in Billings. The owner, Laura Heine was teaching a collage class—you could either do a bear, a horse or a giraffe. Here are photos of Laura’s finished samples:
I am doing the bear—you take large scale floral prints and fussy cut the flowers/leaves/grapes, etc., fuse the shapes to Steam A Seam 2, and then layer the pieces in pleasing arrangements in the bear outline on voile fabric. Once you are happy with the arrangement, you fuse the the shapes to the voile. The bear shape is then cut and fused to your backing fabric which has borders all ready attached and the whole thing is quilted.
It was so much fun—there were eight of us taking the class and we all came with a variety of floral prints—by the end of the day we were all sharing flowers/leaves/butterflies. The shop dog kept us company, Hannah is a two year old docile lab who likes bread crusts—I became her new best friend when sharing my sandwich with her.
Laura Heine is a fabulous teacher, I’ve enjoyed every class I’ve ever taken from her. She is a vendor at Road To California, Paulette, stop by and check out her fabulous designs!
Jeane and I didn’t even realize it was a hundred miles to Billings and a hundred miles back—we chatted and chatted some more, the miles flew by. Once back to Big Timber I stopped by Nat’s to pick up the parts he had gotten in town for Michael then headed up the Boulder. We had breakfast for supper and we are both thinking we hear the bed calling us—it was an early morning!