A long walk first thing this morning then I started cleaning our house and cooking a little in preparation for the arrival of Jim and Ellie. Michael started working on our taxes so I walked softly, vacuumed quietly and didn't talk much!
Just after 2pm Ellie called and they were just outside
Quartzsite--we drove over to meet them and lead them into our spot. We stopped out on the highway to unhitch their car and Jim drove that motor home up that rough old road as if he did that sort of thing every day. We left them to jockey around and find their "perfect" spot which they did just above us and here is a photo of the "Castle" on its first
boondocking trip.

We spent the rest of the afternoon drinking wine, snacking and watching the
furkids interact with each other. Mr.
BoJangles was very quick to tell the two females that he is the boss! As the sun started going down and the temperature went down with the sun we retreated to our house. I finished up dinner and we sat down to a great meal topped off with angel food cake and strawberries.
I think Jim and Ellie are going to love it out here and I know the pooches are going to be very happy.
A lonesome dead tree.

Jim and Ellie have gone back to their rig to settle in and we are relaxing. We also heard from Ainslie and Beryl today--they are in
Ajo and will head here in a couple of days.
Might take a drive up through your area around Bouse sometime in the next few days. Never been over that way so want to have a look around before we head for Boreggo Springs in California shortly.