We decided to put in another day of work at the ranch Michael's son manages. But before that, we made a trip to Big Timber to get diesel for our truck and to have breakfast. In the past, we have purchased 500 gallons of diesel at a time to fill our bulk tanks here on the ranch as it is 22 miles to town and a gas station. We purchased some diesel for the bulk tank last summer but haven't filled it again--and with the price at about $4.65 for bulk diesel--filling a 500 gallon tank might break the bank!
After breakfast and filling the truck, we headed back up the Boulder. We needed to put the sod back in place that we had ripped off to dig trenches before it dried out too much. We got that done interspersed with several breaks to sit in the rocking chairs on the front porch of one of the cabins and gaze out over the beautiful scenery.
We stopped to visit with Michael's son and his wife a while when we came down the mountain from the cabins and then came home and collapsed. Michael did summon up enough energy while I was fixing us something to eat to get our sprinkler system operational for the season.
Shell Mountain up close and personal as all the mountains are from this ranch. The mountains seem close enough to touch.

This is the West Boulder River at high water. We have had several warm days in a row and all the snow in the mountains is starting to melt, raising the water level in the rivers. Notice the wooden bridge in the background and the mountains. That is an old log cabin on the left that has been there forever and always looks like it is going to slip into the river.

These are those Crazy Mountains again and the pond near the cabins.

We are taking the day off tomorrow and hopefully it will be a day of rest!
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