This first photo is of our two horses, each about 18 years old and as we haven't ridden much in the last few years, we refer to them as our "pasture ornaments." All they do is stand in the pasture and eat and eat, thus, they are beyond fat! Last year I decided to do some research to see if I could reduce our insurance rates. When the representative called, she had multiple questions to ask me such as; "how far is it to the nearest fire station?" "does your house have
wood burning heat?" and on and on. One of the questions she asked me was, "do you have any livestock?" And I answered, "yes, two horses, our pasture ornaments." Her next statement almost made me fall out of my chair with laughter--she said, "are the ornaments metal or ceramic?" Guess I need to be more specific next time but it has provided good laughs every time I tell the story.
Our two pasture ornaments, Red and Roan eating as usual

This is one of the walking paths I mowed yesterday with Shell Mountain in the background

I made a trip into town today to weed whack my father-in-law's yard and to get a haircut. Nat has a huge yard and has an aversion to yard work--I think I may be developing the same aversion! On the way home, Jazz and I had an experience. We rounded the curve near our house and in the middle of the road was a mama skunk and four little babies--Jazz began to yap, I stopped and let mama skunk get off the road with her brood and we went on down the road--where was the camera???
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