Who made those 8am doctor's appointments in Billings? Didn't that person know it was a 105 mile drive?? Didn't that person know it would be raining and snowing and all the
suicidal deer would be out?? I think that person was me but I must have been sleeping when I was crazy enough to say we would be there by 8am. Nat also had an appointment and we were at his house in town before 6:30--don't even ask what time I crawled out of bed!
We all went to the dermatologist for skin checks. I came out the better of the three with only one spot frozen. Mike and Nat ended up with biopsies, ouch! After the torture, we went to Mike's
favorite store, Harbor Freight then on to lunch at
CJ's. YUM We made quick stops at Costco and
Wal Mart then home which looked particularly welcoming tonight!
Rainy here, snow on the mountains.

Emmi has started to be aware of her surroundings and will chase the deer and bark very loudly. BUT--unlike her sweet predecessor Jazz, Emmi comes back when I call her which is wonderful.

A day at home tomorrow.
I guess you'll be more careful next time but think, that way you were home earlier :-)That's a cute little dog and he even listens. Great.