I like this motorhome traveling--I got up and made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as we traveled along--it is an extremely comfortable way to travel.
When we stopped at the Clearwater Junction rest stop for ice cream floats from our own refrigerator, Emmi met a beautiful schnauzer named Fritz. He was his owner's fifth schnauzer.
We arrived at Hungry Horse Reservoir Lost Johnny Campground just a little after 4pm and found the perfect site right on the lake. By this time our clear morning skies had given way to rain.
With the motorhome parked and set up, we jumped back in the Explorer and headed into Coram where our friends Jim, Ellie, Mark and Dortha were camped. Of course Emmi went along, Jim and Ellie have two schnauzers. Emmi was the star attraction getting so many photos taken she felt like a movie star. Our friends also presented her with a rhinestone studded collar and a stuffed duck so Emmi really felt like a star. We enjoyed a delicious fajita dinner with these friends--a wonderful evening. Mr. BoJangles and Jasmine were not impressed with the little rug rat that invaded their motorhome.
Emmie and her new duck.

Emmi meets Mr. BoJangles

Close to lunch time, our friends arrived to check out the lake and our campground and to take more photos of Emmi who put on quiet the show. After visiting for a while

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