I think I am too old for a puppy! After e-mailing friends with dog raising experience, Emmi is having a rude awakening today. She is in her crate, my lap or outside, no more freedom and we have had an accident free afternoon. Jazz was so easy to potty train--this puppy is flunking!
Michael started working on the motor home this morning, trying to gain access to the radiator. When he got bored with that, he started working on our
Kawasaki mule--last week when he was driving the mule, the seat bracket cracked away from the base making it extremely dangerous to sit. A long time ago we bought two seats and Michael always intended to make the mule a two
seater, well today was the day and the mule does not look the same.
The problem child.

I spent the day doing laundry and quilting, getting a log cabin quilt belonging to my aunt on the frame. Emmi also took up a lot of my time. And hopefully for the last time this season, I weed whacked the area around the house. The grass got a much needed mowing, too.
Our mountains. The house we used to own overlooked these mountains and we miss our view but like where our current house sits by the creek in the trees.

36 degrees this morning but it warmed up and turned into a glorious day.
Oh come on Emmi....you can do it if you try. The Bayfield Bunch is rootin fer ya:)) Show Mom & Dad what a good little girl you are........