We picked up a few groceries and headed home. Emmi went straight to bed. Michael started up the motorhome, took it up to our bulk tanks, filled it with diesel and parked it in front of the back door. He wanted to hook up the Explorer lights and make sure everything works. On Monday we are heading to Glacier National Park to visit with friends Jim & Ellie and Mark and Dortha. I've never ridden in the motorhome and neither has Emmi so we are excited to be taking a trip.
Laundry and cooking took up some of my time today. We are going to Billings tomorrow and Lonn and LoraLee are coming for dinner so I cooked my ribs today and all I have to do tomorrow night is throw them on the grill to warm up. Nat has agreed to babysit Emmi--this should be interesting, I will let you know how it goes!
I did work in the quilting studio a little this afternoon trying to get a quilt back square on the machine. Michael worked on reinforcing the hitch that goes on the Explorer and now he is washing it.
When Jazz was a puppy, I had this basket which I purchased from a local craftswoman. The basket held Jazz's toys and one day she decided she liked the basket better than her toys. Well, I put Emmi's toys in the basket, she had taken them all out and decided to get in the basket and finish what Jazz started--puppies!!!

Yesterday was a day of frights--first the snake then a mouse. We were in bed last night reading and I heard something chewing the wood over by the screen door. I got up to investigate and a little mouse ran across the floor in front of me--Jim, I'm surprised you didn't hear that scream in Idaho Falls!! My scream scared Michael right up out of bed and woke the dog.
Much cooler today with a little shower this afternoon.
I know that scream, it is the same one I scream over a mouse or snake. I am loving the Emmi pictures. Mary Ellen