We spent a large portion of the morning moving equipment down to the barn on our former place. Joe and Tammy are allowing us to rent the building in exchange for our help such as turning the water on and off into their house, spraying weeds and cleaning the house right before they are due to arrive. We are storing the dually truck, tractors, motorcycles, etc. It will be nice to have all that stuff inside during the winter.
After lunch I spent some time getting meals ready for our trip we are starting on Sunday. Our granddaughter Laci seen here over a year ago when she graduated from high school---
More recycled photos, sure hope Canon hurries up with my camera!
Burros in Custer State Park in September last year.

Buffalo in Custer State Park.
we could send you 40% humidity and that would be half of what we have:)...Have a safe trip and come on up to Washsington when you see Laci off...She and her fellow soldiers are in our prayers...Hugs....Jim & Ellie