I may have to go back and recycle photos for a week or so. Our ATV trip to Blue Lake a week ago was hard on my not even a year old Canon Powershot camera. I began to notice that I could not see images or the menu through the viewfinder. But, wow, what great customer service--I called Canon today and got an English speaking person who e-mailed me instructions for sending my camera in for repair. When Mom and Chuck left today, they took the camera to Big Timber and sent it off via UPS.
Emmi was a hit with Mom and Chuck of course and she has been so good the last three days we have decided we may keep her.
Michael did some wiring out in the garage today and created for me a paper towel holder for the motor home.
I got two more rows quilted today and have only one more row to go on the log cabin quilt. Wouldn't you know it, a box arrived from my Aunt today containing four more quilt tops. Guess a quilter's work is never done, either.
Mom and Chuck stayed for lunch today and I tried my hand at making homemade pizza with some of the bread dough from that great cookbook, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. It was OK, I need to refine the recipe, for sure.
The temperature warmed up today, in fact it got downright warm this afternoon!
So, here are some recycled photos. This is from the spring when I had so many birds I was filling the feeders twice a day. I think all my birds must have migrated north to Al and Kelly's.

Thought a snow photo might be nice here in August.

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