It is easy to feel secure in an RV park, there are people around all the time coming and going and in some parks there is even a manned security gate. When you are out
boondocking on state land, it is easy to feel
insecure! During the night I woke to find Michael up wandering around, he had heard something outside rattling the chains that secured the motorcycle and generator--he soon asserted that it was probably the local rancher's cows or a
javelina traveling through. Sure was hard to fall back asleep, though! We live remotely in Montana, no street lights, no neighbors, and no noise so we are used to solitude but for some reason we feel a little exposed here on this public land.
We decided after our walk to just take it easy today and not go anywhere. Michael spent most of the day on the computer looking at real estate and I read, hemmed a pair of jeans and did some cooking. I also gave the Jazzy girl a haircut, she looks much cooler now.
In the evening, Jim and Linda came out bringing steaks and a margarita pie. We had a wonderful meal of steaks on the grill, roasted sweet and white potatoes and a salad. Linda's margarita pie was wonderful--it would make a great summer time dessert, very refreshing.
Huachuca Mountains from our hike this morning.

Tomorrow we are meeting with the realtor that sold our original hunk of AZ land to look at some more AZ land in that same development.
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