And we are back in Yukon Territory at Teslin for the night here on Wednesday, August 27. Our night in the parking lot wasn’t exactly restful—at least for me it wasn’t as I kept expecting that knock on the door until over in the early morning hours when I just assumed if they hadn’t come to roust us out by then they weren’t going to. Our parking lot backed up to the train tracks for the White Pass/Yukon Railroad which only travels in the daytime but------they started getting trains ready about 5:30am—so there is a price to pay for “free!”
This morning we took a walking tour led by a US national park ranger, joining the 5000 other people from the cruise ships which arrived in the night. The park service operates the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park using many of the original Skagway buildings. These two buildings were original to Skagway as well as the one in the next two photos.
The ranger explained that the majority of people who made lots of money in the Klondike Gold Rush were not the gold diggers/panners, they were the merchants, the cooks, the saloon owners and the ladies of the night.
Last night our gang had dinner in one of the former bordello buildings—The Red Onion. The waitresses were dressed as saloon girls and their costumes left nothing to the imagination!
After dinner the cowboy, Emmi and I took a walk down to the harbor to see the floating hotels and all the other boats. I tried to use an internet café to post a blog with no luck. This morning I attempted to use the Skagway library wifi before we left town, again with no luck—the connection was so slow I felt as if I were using dial up again!!
On a Skagway street—my Dad used to have a truck of this vintage—he was so proud of that old truck!
Geri had read that at Johnson’s Crossing a traveler could obtain a world famous cinnamon roll—Johnson’s Crossing is a dot on the road—a motel/RV park/bakery—closed for a while but trying to make a comeback. And guess what—you can get world famous cinnamon rolls!
Here’s our view for Wednesday night in Teslin, Yukon Territory, Canada. A one stop shop—cabins, motel, restaurant (supper was great!), wildlife museum, gift shop, gas/diesel, etc. All out in the middle of nowhere!
Looks like the perfect place all in one spot! That cinnamon roll is beautiful. I can almost smell it:) We are struggling with WiFi here in Canada, also. Since we are kind of out away from the main stream, we are finding a lot of satellite internet which is too slow to even get a connection.