I taught myself how to do "feathers" on the quilting machine today--fun!! Hours go by while I am practicing and I look at my watch and can't believe it is time for lunch, etc.
The medication the physician is giving me for this problem I have--I knew it was expensive but today I sat down and figured out how expensive--$11 per pill!!!!!!!!! I have ordered some out of Canada and it is $5 per pill--now US drug companies, why is that??? Hopefully I won't be on it much more than a month, now.
Another beautiful fall day here, so happy we live in Montana.
Remember the other day about a week ago, we saw a bear at the end of our deck and I went outside to take photos? Well, I think my hands must have been shaking I was so excited or scared, after all, he was just across the creek from me and looking right at me--this photo is kind of cool.

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