Our friends Robyn and Claire live about 4 miles farther up the East Boulder than we do. They have been encouraging us for a long time to come cut firewood so today was the day. We got two huge trailer loads and both of us are exhausted! You have heard the old saying about firewood, it warms you three times, cutting, stacking and then burning it. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day, sunny and 72 degrees and to think that two weeks ago, we had 3 feet of snow on the ground!
Robyn and Claire coming to get some firewood, too.

Michael working hard!

My father-in-law is now sure I am his favorite daughter-in-law (actually, I am his only daughter-in-law, Mike is an only child). He has worn these same socks for years and was able to get them through our little local department store. The store doesn't want to order the socks anymore because their supplier requires large
quantity orders. I found the company online today and they are willing to sell directly to me, Nat is thrilled!!! What did we do before the
internet?? (We had never heard of blogs for sure!)
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