Tuesday evening I listed for sale our Gold Wing on Craig's List. If you are not familiar with Craig's List, it is a nationwide free classified listing that you can specify the state for your listing. Our Gold Wing motorcycle was a 1988 and Michael was thinking he might like to have a newer one. I listed it for sale on Tuesday evening and a guy called at 8am Wednesday and wanted to come look at the bike. He arrived two hours later with a U-Haul and left with the bike. We decided to celebrate, went to town and put our check in the bank and had ice cream.
Today it is cold and there is a bitter wind blowing. Michael was headed to town to help his Dad (remember this is the 85 soon to be 86 year old Dad) dig the footings for a garage he is going to build at his place near Big Timber. But we discovered that our neighbor's horses had decided to come visit our two horses and had pushed the fence over in the process. So, Michael spent the morning putting the fence back together--thank goodness we have equipment, skid steer with auger so we don't have to dig fence post holes by hand!
Mom arrived about 6pm tonight, it is so good to see her.
I took great photos of birds on the bird feeder, even got some in flight today but "Blogger" is not cooperating. Even thought my photos are saved right side up when I go to put them on the Blog, it turns them sideways, wierd!

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