Yesterday was a wonderful day spent with Mom. The weather even cooperated and it was warmer with a little sunshine thrown in. We went to the Grand, a restored old hotel in Big Timber that has fabulous special days and holiday buffets. The food was very good and as always when you eat at a buffet, we ate too much. Nat, Mike's Dad joined us, too.
Mom and Janna

I said I would post photos of our little sewing project so here they are. This is such a fun thing to do--it does take time but you can use up little scraps of fabric and the end results turn out great. I am making a large, paper pieced bear quilt that is going to be awesome. I found a wholesale place on line where I get these unisex sweatshirts for less than half what the quilt stores are asking. Any hobby you have seems to cost money and quilting is no exception.

Since Jazz was six months old, she has been taught to stay in her yard area which by the way is a very large yard area by one of the underground pet fences. There is a wire around the perimeter of her yard and she wears a shock collar; if she gets to close to the perimeter, the collar sounds a warning and if she gets to the perimeter, she receives a shock. It took one time of training when she was just a puppy and she avoids the fence when she hears the warning. She is also smart enough to know when she has that collar on and when she does not.
Today we took our walk down to the road, a little over a mile round trip. When we got back, Jazz came into the yard with us and Mike and I went in the house. The fence has not been working lately, we have a break somewhere and haven't found the time to repair it. I saw her outside a couple of times and so did Mike. Well, a little later, I went to get her to put her inside the house so we could leave and no Jazz. We looked for her for over an hour. We live on a small ranch and are surrounded by a huge ranch with cows, horses, etc. We also have wolves, coyotes, mountain lions and bears. We were getting very, very concerned. Michael finally took a LONG hike over the hill to our neighbor's barn and there she was, happy as a clam!! She had found something very smelly to roll in and was just delighted with herself. I was delighted to see her coming across the hay field with her Dad!!
Needless to say, I got in gear and got her fence fixed, Michael had to go to Big Timber so he picked up batteries for her collar and Jazz got a bath because Mom was not as partial to her "new" smell as she was!
A busy day but still a day in which we did what we wanted to do!! Life is good, except it is snowing again!
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