Mom and I went on a road trip yesterday to Bozeman and Belgrade, MT. It rained cats and dogs on us most of the day, we had to time our trips into the stores between rain storms. We started out in Big Timber at Little Timber Quilts. The ladies that work in this quilt store are awesome. I get a monthly newsletter from them and it had a 15% off coupon which I used to purchase some flannel for my Boulder Creek Designs Cliffsbear quilt. I also purchased some more fabric in a beautiful shade of red for my Shirley Stutz Easy & Elegant Lone Star Quilt. This Lone Star quilt is going to be a challenge for me being that it is king size.
We then headed on to Livingston where we made a quick stop at the jewelry store to drop off a ring I bought in Mexico and to have some minor adjustments made to my watch band that wouldn't stay fastened.
Then on to Bozeman. We started out with lunch at Applebee's then stopped at Wal-Mart for a few groceries and other things.
Our next stop was at the Belgrade, MT Quilts on Broadway store. This quilt store is one of the best I've seen. It is in an old house and is just packed with fabric, kits, ideas, and other things to catch your eye. I bought a new "bag" pattern, Savoir Flaire by Tammy Tadd Designs and the fabric to complete the bag.
Then it was off to Costco. Nothing exciting, just groceries and a few other things that just seemed to jump in my basket. We drove home and the rain seemed to be letting up. Michael and Jazz had spent the day helping Nat and were pooped and in need of some dinner.
Today, we noticed one little lazuli bunting bird near our feeders but he didn't stay. I hope he was the scout for all the others and told them we have great feed here on the Clark ranch! These beautiful little birds show up every May, usually on or around the 13th.
The squirrel keeps trying to figure out how to get his fair share and we have what seems like hundreds of Cassin's finches some days. The gold finches are numerous, too. We have seen one hummingbird and I did put the feeder out but he hasn't been back.
Today was mostly cloudy but no more rain and the sun is peeking out now. The next three days promise sunshine and 70-80 degrees! YEA!
We are still educating ourselves with the new Dell computer. I did manage to get all our e-mail contacts exported to the new computer today, a feat for this computer challenged person.
No new photos over the last couple of days so I thought I would post a couple of favorites. This is Jazz and Michael on our picnic in the Beartooth Mountains with friends Angie & Ralph last summer.

A Montana sunset last fall

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