After lunch I went back down to the other house and cleaned a little. Joe and Tammy live in Denver and have two teenagers. They never seem to get away from Denver very early and I just hate to have them walk in late at night to a house that isn't exactly clean as it has been empty for months.
OK, got that chore accomplished, now I see that my Explorer needs a bath. By the time I finished washing the car, I was pooped. I fixed a quick pasta dinner and now I am wondering how I am going to get out of this chair.
While we were having dinner, a quick thunderstorm moved through and I took this photo of the double rainbow.

The rest of the photos are of some of the wildflowers we see every morning on our walks. The first one is cow parsnip, the plant has huge, king size leaves and then this pretty white flowering stalk.

You make me so tired just reading your post. Slow down or I am going to have to come out and beat you up. Mary Ellen