We were up bright and early this morning, packing and cleaning the good ole Holiday Rambler one more time. Denny called and he was ready for us. We arrived at the "farm" a little after 9am and began the process of deciding just how to get this 34 foot 5
th wheel into the tight space the
Freed's had picked! We moved concrete curbs and trimmed tree limbs. Michael would back the trailer a small distance then get out and ponder--back a little farther, get out and ponder. As you can see from the first photo, coming straight up their driveway off the busy street was
not an option due to the overhang of the beautiful trees that line both sides of the driveway.

And as you can see from this photo, there was NOT much room between the trees and the gutter on the farm house. Michael was able to back the rig onto the grass lawn then turn uphill and get started by the house.

Denny is just looking so pleased that we managed to get the RV in the really narrow gate, he hasn't figured out that we may not fit between trees and house! But we did! I stood under the overhang of the house and looked up as Michael drove slowly--at times we only had less than a foot to spare but we made it!

Whew!! The
Freed's new home is parked and they and their grandchildren that live in the farm house are delighted!
We said our goodbyes and headed toward Spokane stopping off in Ellensburg to look at yet another motorhome. Our friends Ellie & Jim have a Tiffin motorhome as do Mark and Dortha--those guys can't say enough good about this company. So--we looked at an Allegro Bus, older but very good quality and with only 54,000 miles on it. It was beyond filthy, incredibly dirty!! The rig was parked at a local mechanic's who told us it was very sound, just dirty. We decided that dirt we could clean, carpet we could replace and if we could get the motorhome for the offer we were willing to make, we have a great deal. The owner has called us back twice to tell us they are thinking about it so we shall see. In the meantime, we are heading to Spokane to spend the night with Gene and Mary. If the owners call, we will just travel back the 150 miles to Ellensburg.
I am really liking this Verizon aircard--it is handy to be able to access the internet going down the interstate!!
Impressive RV parking Michael!!! How are they going to get it out of there? :)...Good luck with your RV search...We are really enjoying your trip as we are headed there after Yellowstone...Hugs..Jim & Ellie