I was right--we were white this morning. About 2 inches and more fell during the day but as the day warmed up to a balmy 40 degrees, most of the snow melted. I spoke with my Aunt in Arkansas where it was sunny--she said, "but it's April and you have snow?? My flowers are blooming." Well, yes, April it is but we still have snow, no flowers and won't have flowers until late May.
This is the scene to which we woke.

The Rosy Red Finches arrived a few days ago, a little early for them--usually we don't see these birds until the first of May.

And these little yellow guys are really early, the Gold Finches usually arrive around the middle of May.

It was a good day for quilting which is exactly what I did. Got that binding on the king size quilt and took it off the frame. Loaded one of my Aunt's quilts and am ready to start quilting on it tomorrow.
This is a link to a U-Tube video sent to me by a quilting friend. If you watch American Idol, you have probably seen this clip--it is positively amazing and will bring tears to your eyes. It does take a little bit to load but well worth it.
I hope you had some hotchocolate to go with that quilting.