Frank, Jeane's Dad with his granddaughter Jordan and great-granddaughter PJ. Frank will be 83 on Friday, looks pretty good doesn't he!

Friday was an eventful day--I went to town for the 10th anniversary celebration of the store I and partner Kathy opened in 1999, Cinnabar Creek. After we visited at the store for a while, Jeane and I met Jill for lunch. Just as we finished lunch, my cellphone rang and it was Michael--he had lost Jazz, she had been missing for 2 hours. One of my errands for the day was to get new batteries for her electronic fencing system collar. I roared home, crying most of the way, fearing the worst because Michael also told me he had heard coyotes. I hadn't even been in the house 5 minutes when our neighbor rode up on his four wheeler with Jazz. Oh, what relief, I couldn't even be mad at her. She took a long, long hike to get to his house. She came in, I washed her feet and she went to bed and didn't get out the rest of the day--one pooped puppy. I went back to town and completed my errands, especially the batteries.
Saturday we cleaned and cleaned on the RV and Denny and Ellen the new owners came over to preview their new home. They are extremely pleased and we will deliver it to Seattle for them the end of next week. We have found a maybe motorhome in Seattle so we will see.
Saturday evening we went to Nancy and Geoff's our friends and neighbors up the road for another delightful evening. Nancy had cooked all day and the food was great as was the wine and company. Their home is located in the most beautiful spot right on the East Boulder River--it is the home Michael and I were married in when it belonged to friends Jill and Terry.
It was a busy weekend, our social calendar was full! And the sun has been shining!
What a relief that all was well with little Jazz.
Soooo glad Jazz is safe...That's one of our worst fears...Have a great day and we'll see you guys in July...Hugs..Jim & Ellie