Mom arrived about 5pm after driving all the way from Arkansas--she said the trip seemed longer this year. Mom is going to work in Yellowstone National Park this summer. I made beef enchiladas for dinner and boy were they good. Kelly inspired me to get out of my cooking rut and try some new things last week.
The Jazzy girl seems to be a tiny bit better today. Everything she has eaten has stayed down and she seems to be more alert. She and Michael have this game they play, she comes and finds him, then rolls over on her back and he tickles her tummy--she even did that today, a first in over a week. Thanks for all the thoughts everybody.
Our first Lazuli Bunting of the season, Michael said he arrived in a snow storm last week. The birds are eating me out of house and home!

It was a beautiful day in MT.
We're still sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Jazz. It's a relief to read that she's a little better today. Oh, and we're also sending prayers for warm weather to stay for awhile!