First they were coming then they weren’t, now they are coming and we are thrilled. Larry and Geri had some family obligations which they thought might hinder their going to Alaska with us—those obligations solved themselves and we are now good to go!! Larry and Geri arrived Friday afternoon with their rig:
The cargo trailer sitting back beside our motorhome contains their ATVs—we thought we would show them some country before we take off for Alaska.
We’ve had some questions—“when are you leaving” being the most frequent. Our granddaughter Laci and her husband John are expecting their first child—our first great-grandchild—and we are not leaving until the baby is born—the official due date is tomorrow, July 28.
Our friends Angela and Ralph once said, “you people change your RVs more often than you change your underwear!” Now can you imagine someone thinking that????
Sometimes you develop an attitude of—”oh, my, we are going to Alaska, we need a truck camper NOW!” so, we bought one and it was a dud!!! It leaked—we fixed it, the refrigerator was too small, we didn’t fix that, the bathroom was so small if the cowboy or I gained a single ounce, we would not fit,
and most importantly at least in my menopausal book—it didn’t have air conditioning. So, we listed the rig on Craigslist about two weeks ago—today it rolled down the driveway with a happy new owner.
Yesterday the cowboy and Larry went to Billings to purchase a Lance truck camper—a 1999 which needed a little work (would we have it any other way???). Larry said Michael made the salesman cry—the cowboy made a really, really good deal!!!! It has more space particularly in the bathroom plus it has air conditioning. It is filthy but I’m a good cleaner!
Last night we celebrated my dear friend Jill’s momentous birthday with a spectacular dinner party—we had so much fun—dinner was fabulous:
A tri-tip roast grilled with chimichurri sauce, rosemary potatoes (as our friend Bradley calls them, “potatoes a la weed”) and salad with homemade dressing. Dessert was a three layer chocolate cake with dark chocolate/coffee ice cream!!!

Today I quilted, Geri cooked walleye from Minnesota for lunch and this afternoon we took an ATV ride—more on that adventure later!