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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Another Scorcher

Michael headed over to the West Boulder this morning to retrieve his equipment and was back before lunch time.  He spent his day replacing the tires on the jeep and irrigating.  We both spent a lot of time indoors as did Emmi—it was a scorcher outside, 92 degrees. 

Here are some irrigating photos to kind of explain how the process works—when this country was settled people knew water would be important.  Water rights were applied for and granted as far back as the 1800’s.  The water rights on this land we own date back to 1899.  We have the second oldest water rights on Elk Creek meaning there is another person in line in front of us for irrigating water—he happens to be a very wealthy individual and has bought the three larger ranches which surround us.  So far we have managed to maintain good relationships with his employees—essential when you are talking water!!    Back in the wild west men were killed over water rights—even in Michael’s day people he personally knows have been threatened with guns over water usage!!  Neighbors and friends became enemies over stolen water or hording of water.  Downright scary when down south all people have to do is wait for it to rain!!!

There is a main head gate about six miles from us which is opened allowing the water from the creek to flow into the main ditches.  We control the water which rolls into our ditches with a series of head gates and with dam material.  IMG_7532

IMG_7533Water dammed and flowing out through a series of cuts we make in the ditch:


The water flows across the pastures into the next set of ditches which we also dam allowing the water to flow across the next field.  If we have lots of water, the dams need to be moved at least twice a day if not more.  Sometimes the neighbors send us too much water and we have water, water everywhere—flowing down the driveway, etc.

And there you have it, Irrigating 101. 

And hey Robyn and Claire—that horse of yours just loves to pull up the irrigating dams we’ve set!! Smile


  1. Your explanation of irrigating and water rights was very interesting...concepts that us here in the South are probably unaware of, especially that of "water rights." Around here a hole is simply drilled and irrigation water is pumped out of the ground. But that is seldom necessary. Water will become more an more precious in years to come.

  2. Interesting topic on water rights and who has first rights. I've never heard of such a thing anywhere in Canada....but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist somewhere.

  3. Well I'll be, have never given a thought to 'water rights' or even knew they existed. Here in Wis its either to rely on Mother Nature or drilled wells. Thanks for the info!!

  4. Some of that sounds familiar from my early years growing up on a country farm. Now I only deal with the water authority:(

  5. What do you and Michael use the water for? To grow hay?

  6. I always enjoy your explanations about ranch living. :)

  7. Interesting post. Seems like a lot of work moving those dams around each day.

  8. Thanks for the explanation. I never really thought about water rights.


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