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Friday, November 27, 2009

The Day After

Mary arrived about 9am to finish quilting her beautiful quilt. It only took her about an hour. When she left I went outside to see if I could fix the lights I put on one of the trees Wednesday. Wouldn't you know it--when I plugged the lights in while still in the basement they all worked. Got them on the tree which was no easy feat as the tree is 8-9 feet tall and plugged the lights in--half of the lights didn't work--GRRRR. I gathered a bunch of spare bulbs and started changing and about the sixth one I changed made all the bulbs work again, YEA.

It was time to feed Michael and then I headed into Big Timber. I wanted to check out the stores and see what was for sale as well as visit with all the other people I knew would be in BT. Plus, I got to drive the little sports car! Town was packed as were all the stores. I purchased a couple of Christmas presents--one for Elizabeth and Leah--my great nieces. Had a breve at Cinnabar Creek before coming home.

When I got home Michael was scurrying around gathering tools. Seems Lonn and LoraLee were having septic problems--the new house has what is called a pumping septic system. There is an alarm that sounds when the system malfunctions. OK--they have been in this house two weeks and the system is alarming???? So we headed off with a new pump for the septic system and my presence was requested by LoraLee and her sister Barb--they had a sewing problem. Seems the contractor who installed the septic system wasn't exactly on the up and up and the pump was not the correct type. Mike installed the new pump and now Katie can shower.

LoraLee's problem was easier to solve--she and Barb just needed a zipper placed into a pillow thing that new mothers use to support babies when breast feeding. That was easy. LoraLee fed us supper as if after yesterday we needed anything else to eat! Emmi spent the evening chasing and being chased and is now sacked out on the floor, dead to the world.

Sunset yesterday on the West Boulder
Mr. Pheasant by the roadside.
Two Mr. Pheasants by the roadside. We saw four males yesterday on the way over to Boo and Terry's.
Christmas decorations in our house.


  1. Your house looks so warm and inviting.... as well as beautiful..

    ( wondering what a breve is ? )


  2. Oh what a cozy warm living room, all decorated to the max. How pleasant!

    We were just talking about the xmas tree this morning over coffee (we do a live tree, so have to wait a few weeks yet)

    Guess with Thanksgiving done, it's time to start thinking Xmas?

    (we sometimes take our motorhome up to my dad's cabin between Xmas and New Years, and we even have a tiny tree for setting up on the dash)


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