Today was moving day for
Lonn and
LoraLee and we headed over this morning to help. The owners of the ranch built L & L a new house and it is gorgeous--their previous home was a little old farmhouse that had been added on to (not very skillfully at times) and just needed replacing. The new house is just up the driveway from the old and we moved stuff with Polaris Rangers and trailers.
LoraLee and I spent most of the day unpacking the kitchen--it is mind boggling there are so many cabinets in that kitchen, granite
countertops, huge gas range, a wonderful house.
Emmi spent the day chasing and being chased by the Joe, the
Yorkie who is just a little older than she and by the
Bichon who is just a little younger. She is sacked out in her bed as I write this, one pooped puppy.
This is the view from
LoraLee's kitchen windows--who wouldn't want to spend time in that kitchen!

We left about 1:30 to go to Livingston to try and fix a woman's
longarm quilting machine, not the brand I have but the competitor. We think we were successful, she seemed happy when we left.
We came home via Big Timber and stopped at Nat's to pick up the quilts he had fetched from the Frosty Freeze for me. The Quilts of Valor coordinator was coming through Big Timber from
Bozeman today and I had volunteered to quilt some of the quilts that are being sent to Germany to our wounded service men and women--she dropped a couple off at her breakfast stop--the joys of living in a small town!
Our view from the back of our house.

Almost forgot--at 3am this morning we both sat straight up in bed and said, "what is that!!!" Emmi was growling--this awful noise was coming from our master bathroom. Michael got up to investigate and a buck deer was knocking his horns against the large glass window over our bathtub!!! What if the deer had broken the glass???? Mike turned on the bathroom light and the deer left--hope he doesn't return!