Michael sleeps better when he doesn’t have to wake to an alarm clock and when he sleeps better, the wife sleeps better. He’s working noon to midnight so an alarm clock is expendable—daylight wakes us up! We enjoyed lunch together—chicken fajitas—Gina even came over and ate with us, Rollie had headed off for work all ready.
After Michael left for work I decided it was a beach day—Gina agreed to come along and off we went with Ms. Emmi. Saw several dolphins surfacing as we were waiting on the ferry. It was a beautiful day, gorgeous blue skies, a non-crowded beach and endless waves. There a large collection of sea weed—usual and customary on Texas beaches.

The beaches won’t be so non-crowded this weekend—it is Sand Fest in Port Aransas. There are all ready crews hard at work building mega sand castles:

After we came home I told Gina, “I need a swimsuit.” There is not much need for swimsuits in Montana and the one I own I think I bought at Costco, many years ago not even trying it on. Remember a while back I ordered a suit from Land’s End, ordering one size larger than the sizing charts said I needed—got that dang thing in the mail and couldn’t even get my big toe in the stupid suit!! That’s an exaggeration but I really couldn’t even get the suit on it was so tight! Gina groaned when I told her I needed a suit and said, “that’s an all day affair, girlfriend!!” Well, I proved her wrong!
Off to Corpus Christi we went. We walked into Dillard’s, asked directions to the swimsuit department, arrived, and were helped by the sweetest little lady who gave me an arm full of all types of different suits—I didn’t get the “no more than 3 items to a dressing room” line! Gina had headed me in the right direction telling me what kind of suits she wore and I’ll be if the first suit I tried on didn’t fit perfectly and I actually LIKED it!!! I tried on about 10 more but went back to the first one and guess what—it was on sale!!!!
After getting that unpleasant chore accomplished we wandered the mall a little more, did a little more shopping damage then had pizza at Grimaldi’s. Back home to a couple of happy pooches ready for a walk.
It was with sadness I read Paulette’s Sweet P Quilting and Creations blog this morning—seems Paulette is taking a blogging break. I totally understand her desire and reasons for not writing a daily blog—it seems to get harder and harder for me and I have considered taking a break—maybe Paulette has started something??? Maybe just write a blog when you have something news worthy enough to write about other than what’s for lunch??
And see, today, I am too wordy! It’s feast or famine! There is a reason I can’t lose any weight—I live next door to Gina. I’m taking a poll—how many of you eat raw cookie dough?? I LOVE raw cookie dough, I can remember having fights with my brother Ross when as a teenager I would be making cookies and he would come by to swipe the cookie dough. I don’t care that the dough contains raw eggs, I usually eat enough cookie dough that I’m not hungry for the baked cookies. How about you—do you eat raw cookie dough? Gina brought me a bucket of raw cookie dough to sample a few minutes ago—no wonder I can’t fit in swimsuits?????