Let me just say up front it’s a good thing we live most of the time in a climate where air conditioning is not required. Otherwise Michael and I might have separate houses! He hates air conditioning, it makes him feel stuffy. In Montana our house isn’t air conditioned as it is rarely needed. We usually go to Arizona in the winter and during the time frame we are there it is usually cool enough, no air conditioning needed.
Last night we needed air conditioning! It was so hot and muggy when we went to bed Michael even suggested I turn on the fans from the air conditioners. OK, yes!!! Anything was better than the stickiness! Went to the thermostat up front in the living area which controls our entire climate control system, pushed all the right buttons—nothing!!! What???? All three air conditioners worked this past fall when we were in Canada with John and Brenda!!!! Nothing, nada, got the book out, read the directions, still nothing. Went to bed and sweated, UGH!
Today Michael tore into the system, nothing, nada! Last thing he suggested before giving up was replacing the phone type cable which allows the thermostat to communicate with each air conditioner requiring a trip to Wal Mart or Radio Shack. He sat down on the couch, turned on his computer and within about 15 minutes got up from the couch, went over to the thermostat and asked me to read him the directions from the computer he had found for re-setting the thermostat. Walla—we have air conditioning! We don’t need it tonight!!!! The clouds went away today, the sun came out, we have a cool breeze and very little humidity!
Have I said lately how grateful I am for my handy husband??
I spent the day cooking, made a batch of pizza dough for the freezer, made bread dough baking one loaf and freezing two loaves of dough for later. Taco salad for lunch and for dinner tonight we enjoyed some fresh Florida shrimp, marinated in orange juice, soy sauce and garlic then grilled with onion, peppers and grape tomatoes. Served with a lime/cayenne pepper butter. YUM!
Elaine and Rick headed down the road today, their plan was to stay at Ho Hum RV Park in Carrabelle tonight.
A commenter asked us about sand spurs—also referred to as goats-heads, burrs and a host of other not nice words when we step on one brought in on our shoes or by Emmi. We take our shoes off at the door but the rug by the door collects the dang things from our shoes. This RV park is new having opened only two years ago so the blasted things haven’t really taken root yet but yes, Emmi does get them in her feet sometimes. But she has a solution, she stops, holds up the offended paw and looks pitiful until we pull the nasty thing off.
And another commenter said my hibiscus is really a camellia. Can’t recognize birds, can’t recognize flowers! Thank goodness I have you guys keeping me straight! 
More photos from yesterday.
Enjoyed visiting on the phone with friends from the past today, Cheryl and Mary. And we enjoyed celebrating our working air conditioners with Gail and Matt and my world famous margaritas.