Then it was off to Billings. Remember the $5000 vs $150 radiator story a few days ago--well when we got to the wrecking yard, Michael found a radiator he thought would work better and the price of it was $75!!! So we hauled home a used radiator.
The steel yard was our next stop where Michael purchased a 1000lbs of steel for such projects as a set of fireplace doors for our neighbors and a shorter table for my longarm machine.
A very quick stop at Costco and we were headed home. Emmi was a good girl most of the day, she got a little restless before we got home--we were all glad to get here!
Here's Emmi in the basket again, I finally put it away--the damage is done, Jazz started it but Emmi was making great headway on finishing up the destruction.

The news from Laci is that it is hot in Iraq, 105 degrees at 11pm!!